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Leadership: Why Persuasion is Better than Power
“The more you tighten your grip, Lord Vader, the more star systems will slip through your fingers” –Princess Leia There are two prominent...

How to Prepare to Deliver Killer Business Presentations
For those of you who have important business presentations coming up, here are my thoughts on how to best prepare. Sorry for the novel,...

The Top Ways to Mess Up a Job Interview
It’s sort of unfair. A 45 minute interview is all you get to show a potential employer who you are and why you are amazing. In fact,...

What Does "Leadership Presence" Mean, Anyway?
In performance reviews, some feedback is easy to give and simple to correct. For example, a boss telling and employee that she needs to...

Five Excuses People Use To Stay In Jobs They Hate
Sometimes people are just in the wrong job. The simplest way to identify this is if they absolutely hate going to work every day for a...

The Art of Internal Selling
If you work for a corporation, you have picked a career in sales. You may not work in the sales department. You may not call on...

7 Bad Interview Questions and How to Respond to Them
When interviewing for a job, there are some things within your control: your preparation, your resume, your attitude and your dress....

For New Bosses: 8 Tips for Difficult Feedback Discussions
There are three cardinal sins often committed by new managers. The first is micromanagement. New managers have spent their entire careers...

Want to be Happy at Work? Stop Comparing
“If I could just get into the sixth grade reading class, then ‘Little Miss Perfect’ would stop bragging to me,” my eight-year-old son,...

How To Tell Great Stories With Data
A few years ago I was given valuable feedback from my boss. He had asked me to analyze the pros and cons of a potential acquisition for...

Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed...In Corporate America
If Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed were corporate employees, who would win? In 1976, the Oscar went to Rocky, the iconic film about a...

The Do's and Don'ts of Promotion Discussions
(Warning: this article may be unsuitable for professionals who believe that the process of getting promoted is fair) Employees are like...

6 Ways to Get Co-Workers To Like You
For those new to corporate America, the term “cross-functional leadership” sounds like a specialized skill that one develops over years...

5 Fake Solutions to Work-Life Balance
Most people I’ve encountered who work ridiculously long hours admit that they aren’t happy with their situation. Many of them see the...

What 10 Years Have Taught Me About Bosses
When I got my first job out of college, I admit that I had a distorted view of my boss’s role in my work life. After all, I had just...
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